Professional Legal & technical translations in Italy- Express Sworn translations into Italian- Worldwide delivery - Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax firm in Italy and Spain- lawyers, solicitors, barristers, tax advisors

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Professional Legal & technical translations in Italy- Express Sworn translations into Italian- Worldwide delivery

Sworn translations into Italian - Translations Department

The Translations Departement of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law firm (in Italy and in Spain) is experienced in both legal and technical translations.

Years of legal and tax assistance provided by Italian lawyers and tax consultants (also Spanish lawyers and chartered accountants, tax advisors, economists) and chartered accountants in Italy to foreign privates and companies of Import- Export sectors (airport and ground equipment, pharmaceutical products,  travel and tourism, electrical appliances and machines, cosmetic and toiletries, industrial machinery, manufacturing, agricoltural or forestry and food products, renewal energy equipment etc.) allow the translations Department of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax Firm to complete excellent translations English into Italian, Spanish into Italian, French into Italian and German into Italian of any sort of legal and technical document.

The Translations Department of Liuzzi e Liuzzi Law & tax firm is able of preparing express translations because of the experience of its translators with no need of taking days to realize high level translations like legal, medical, technical translations.

Clients can request also sworn translations.
If the translation into Italian is to be used in Italy the Apostille is not necessary.

Some examples of translations into Italian realized by the Translations Department of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax Firm:

  • Criminal records certificates
  • Medical documents
  • Owner's manuals
  • User guides
  • Financial documents and statements
  • Business documents
  • Technical manual instructions
  • Employement refernce
  • Court and legal documents into Italian
  • Power of attorney

  • Vital records: birth, marriage, death certificates
  • Parental consent for children travelling overseas
  • Wills
  • Litigation documents
  • Bill of sales
  • Complaints
  • Deeds
  • Ruling
  • Writ
  • Summons
  • Service- Notifica
  • Court Order
  • Witness Summon
  • Private agreements
  • Contracts
  • Lease
  • Other documents
We can deliver by email your required
Sworn translations into Italian
or your
Italian Vital records or Italy criminal records
(Certificate from the judicial records of Italy)
by express courier
and we also deliver yourItalian Certificates
to any Country in the world by express courier.

We are Liuzzi e Liuzzi Italian and International law firm.
Contact us now in your language.
Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax Firm is an Italian and Spanish Law & tax firm.
Legal and technical translations can be requested also English into Spanish, Italian into Spanish, French into Spanish, German into Spanish. To request a quotation for translations into Spanish please click here.
Legal & technical translations into Italian realized by the Translation Department of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax Firm

  • Translations English to Italian  
  • Translations Spanish to Italian (español- italiano)
  • Translations French to Italian (français- italien)
  • Translations German to Italian (deutsch- italienisch)

Italian certificates, Italian Vital records, Italian Criminal Records sent from Italy worldwide

If you need Vital records of Italy (Italian birth, marriage or death certificates) or other Italian documents,  ask for urgent assistance to Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax Firm as the Firm obtains on your behalf Italian Certificates in a short time. To request certificates from Italy click here and obtain a free quotation.

Send us and email to receive by email a quotation for your request of  translations from English into Italian

To inform you about the shipping charges by express courier to your Country please give us your complete address

Español- Spanish
Français- French
Deutsch- German
Please specify what document you need to be translated into Italian

Instruction Manual
Criminal record certificate
Birth certificate
Death certificate
Marriage certificate
Single Status Affidavit
Divorce Decree
Bankruptcy records
Other certificates
Other foreign decrees
Contract or agreement
Power of attorney
Employement reference
Background check certificate
Parental consent for children travelling overseas
Bill of sale
Court order
Witness summon
Owner's manual
User guide
Other documents- specify what document and/ or attach it
We speak English, Italian, Spanish, French and German inform us in what language you prefer to be contacted.


Liuzzi e Liuzzi

Italia- España
Italy- Spain & worldwide assistance

European Union Law, International Law


Italian Lawyer entitled to represent clients before any Ordinary Court in Italy and also any Court of Appeal and as Avv. Cassazionista entitled also to represent clients before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation and as Spanish Lawyer before any Spanish Court including the Spanish Supreme Court & the Spanish Constitutional Court
Founder of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law Firm

To request legal advice and assistance also for urgent cases regarding
Italian Law, Spanish Law, International Law, European Union Law
contact us via WhatsApp, Telegram, Email, Telephone

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