Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law & Tax firm legal & tax assistance in Italy and Spain
Studio legale e tributario Internazionale-
Bufete internacional de abogados y economistas
Italy- Spain
Headed by lawyer Viviana Fiorella Liuzzi (Avvocato member of the Albo Avvocati and Avvocato Cassazionista Albo Speciale Cassazionisti of the Bar Association of Rome -Ordine degli Avvocati di Roma and the Bar Association of Alcalà de Henares-Ilustre Colegio de abogados de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid- España) and together with the collaboration of the Of Counsel Economist Yanina Veronica Liuzzi (member of Economist Association of the Balearic Islands- Spain) and with other and many other professionals and collaborators (lawyers, external consultants and interns) provides legal assistance, tax advice, judicial and extra judicial assistance in Italy and Spain and in Europe
to International clients, privates and companies according to Italian Law, Spanish Law, European Union Law, International Law.
Legal consulting, advice and assistance is provided in the client's language (English, Spanish, Italian, French, German).
Clients can also contact the Law & tax Firm in Portuguese and Catalá.
Appointments (which can be videoconferencing ones or conference calls or in Rome) and judicial or extrajudicial assistance
can be requested from any Country with no need of travelling to Italy or Spain (or to Europe from other Continents).
Areas of practice of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law & tax firm in Italy, Spain and before the European Union Courts:
Civil Law- Criminal Law- Tax Law- Will, Trust and Probate Law- Family Law- International Law
Administrative Law- Commercial Law- Corporate Law- European Union Law- Customs Law
Intellectual Property Law- Shipping and Maritime Law
Immigration law- Real Estate Law- Tourism Law- Sports Law
Healthcare Law and Medical Clinical Negligence- Personal injury- Labor Law
Viviana Fiorella Liuzzi practices the profession of lawyer both in Italy and in Spain.
She is registered with the Italian Bar Association of Rome (Ordine degli Avvocati di Roma) and with the Spanish Bar Association of Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain (Ilustre Colegio de abogados de Alcalá de Henares) for more than 15 years and assists International individual and companies.
She represents International clients in Italy and Spain guiding the firm into the solution of any commercial dispute in Italy or in Spain, Italian and Spanish criminal law, Immigration law in Spain and in Italy (Italian Citizenship procedures, International protection applications etc.) , cases of inheritance & probate in Italy and Spain, private and business debt recovery in Italy, Spain and in Europe in general etc.
Her professional, personal and family formation, the fact that she has lived in many Countries have lead her to be an International lawyer with a large experience and comprehension of individuals and company needs from any Country and culture.
Titles achieved:
- Law degree at Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata (Tor Vergata University- Rome, Italy), note 110/110 cum laude.
- Law degree in Spain (Licenciatura en Derecho) at Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), España.
Viviana Fiorella Liuzzi is a lawyer register with the following european bars:
- Italy (Italia): Bar of Rome (Ordine degli Avvocati di Roma)
Albo Avvocati and also member of the Albo Speciale Cassazionisti of the Bar of Rome, Italy entitled to represent clients before any Italian Court of first instance (ordinary Courts) , Courts of Appeal and also before the “Corte di Cassazione” and before the Supreme Courts High jurisdictions
- Spain (España) Ilustre colegio de abogados de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) España
Member of the Bar of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain).
Law firm hedquarter in Rome: Roma- Via degli Scipioni, 134 -00192 Rome, Italy

- Italian (native speaker- full professional)
- Spanish (native speaker- full professional)
- English (professional knowledge)
- French (professional knowledge)
- Catalan (legal & tax written knowledge)
- Portuguese (legal & tax written knowledge)
Some of the courses, meetings, workshops attended by Viviana Fiorella Liuzzi, attorney header of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International Law Firm:
- One year course "Corso formazione forense" at Tor Vergata University in Rome, Italy. She has also assisted a magistrate during the course at the Bankruptucy Section at hearings.
- One year course "Corso formazione forense" at Tor Vergata University in Rome, Italy. She has also assisted a magistrate during the course at the Bankruptucy Section at hearings.
-Course of fiscal/tax law at the Bar of Rome, Italy
-Workshop of tax proceedings in Italy at the Bar of Rome
- Workshops on Immigration law at the Bar of Rome, Italy
Workshop on personal injury according to the Insurance Code at the Bar of Rome, Italy
- Sports law Course at the Bar of Rome Italy
- Workshops and meetings at the “Istituto Europeo Giuridico Economico” in Rome, Italy
- Sports law Course at the Bar of Rome Italy
- Workshops and meetings at the “Istituto Europeo Giuridico Economico” in Rome, Italy
others: this section is being updated many other courses related to Italian and Spanish law to be added.
Lawyer Viviana Fiorella Liuzzi also writes articles on Italian law, Spanish law, International law being a highly- qualified European professional.
Avv. Viviana Fiorella Liuzzi (Lawyer/ Attorney at law/ Solicitor/ Barrister)
Avvocato - Iscritta all’Ordine degli Avvocati di Roma
Abogado - Iscritta nell’Ilustre Colegio de Abogados
de Alcalá de Henares
(Madrid, España)
P.IVA: 06254431007
Polizza Assicurativa r.c. professionale Generali Assicurazioni
Tel.: +39 0692958392
Skype: studioliuzzieliuzzi
Yanina Veronica Liuzzi
Yanina Veronica Liuzzi practices the profession of Economist (Economista) providing tax advice, defending and representing clients before Spanish tax courts, providing company appraisal, acting and giving legal & tax consulting in bankruptucy, judicial, administrative proceedings, providing tax assistance to small, medium and multinational companies. Provides advice to International companies for investments in Spain but also abroad especially in Italy.
Being an International business expert she supports the firm's clients dealing with commercial transaction and business activities in Italy and in Spain.
Thanks to her professional and personal international experience and to her excellent language skills (she speaks many languages Italian, Spanish, English, French, German etc.) she also collaborates closely to the International lawyer Viviana Fiorella Liuzzi and the other professionals of the firm in many other areas of practice of the firm both in Italy and in Spain (for example Immigration law, criminal law, family law matters etc.).
Yanina Veronica Liuzzi is an Italian citizen and after having obtained her European Baccalaureate at Liceo Linguistico Europeo Maestre Pie Filippini she has studied Economics and Management at the University of Rome, Tor Vergata and continued her University studies achieving the Degree in Economics with Specialisation in Monetary and Tax Economics at the Uned Spanish University.
She is member of the Economist Association of the Balearic Islands- Spain and she has not only a high academic formation but also decades of experience as manager of International companies.
Her cultural but also family and personal formation has lead her to be interested in and to have worked with Information technology matters for 20 year, becoming expert on International E-commerce, web content manager, web designer.

Economista Colegio Economistas de las Islas Baleares España. Número de colegiada 8113- Economist
LIUZZI e LIUZZI-International law & tax firm in Italy & Spain
LIUZZI e LIUZZI-International law & tax firm in Italy & Spain
The Economist (Economista) Yanina Veronica Liuzzi speaks and writes fluently in the following languages:
- Italian (native speaker and professional knowledge)
- Spanish (native speaker and professional knowledge)
- English (professional knowledge)
- French (professional knowledge)
- German (Advanced knowledge)
- Catalan (legal & tax knowledge)
- Portuguese (legal & tax knowledge)
Yanina Veronica Liuzzi
Economista- Economist
Member of Colegio Economistas Islas Baleares n. 8113
How to contact other professionals, collaborators and departments of Liuzzi e Liuzzi International law firm in Italy and in Spain regarding Italian Law, Spanish Law, International Law, European Union Law areas of practice:
Civil law area:
Criminal law area:
International law
Tax law Area:
Family law Area:
Italian citizenship area:
Other areas:
Gmail Account:
Outlook Account:
WhatsApp: 00393392700695