Breve análisis de la normativa italiana con referencia la sentencia 5123 del Juzgado de Roma, Italia (Tribunale di Roma).
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Spanish Citizenship: how to obtain it? What are the requirements according to the Spanish legislation? Here very important info in English!
Liuzzi e Liuzzi Studio legale e tributario Internazionale in Spagna e Italia- Cos'è la "Apostille" (Postilla)? Qui le info di cui avete bisogno per comprendere questo importante frutto della Convenzione dell'Aia e fondamentale nell'ambito del Diritto Internazionale.
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Gender-based violence in Spain and malteatment without injury- Spanish legislation- For legal info click here.
La Cassazione Civile (italiana) y la sentencia reciente n. 28/03/2017 n. 7960 en relación a la declaración de paternidad o maternidad.
La interdicción y la inhabilitación en Italia. ¿Qué indica la Ley italiana al respecto? Aquí algunos puntos importantes y para más informaciones podrán leer el artículo jurídicio escrito por la abogada Viviana Fiorella Liuzzi.
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Italian legislation- Child abduction by a parent in Italy. Read more legal info here.
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Self employed workers and residence in the European Union. Latest sentence from the Supreme Court of Justice of the European Union.
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Legislation in Spain related to consumption, supply and distribution of cannabis.
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. The most convenient fiscal system of the Euro Area? It is in Spain, excatly in the Canary Islands. We are talking about the so called "ZEC" (Zona Especial Canaria)- Special Canary Zone. Read more info here.
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Expulsion from the European Union? Holders of long-term residence permits have a "renforced protection". Read more info here.
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Aggravating circustance of the presence of the minor children in gender-based violence cases
¿Qué es la Apostila de la Haya? Aquí informaciones para entender qué es este importante fruto de la Convención de la Haya y fundamental en el Derecho Internacional.
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Online sales in the European Union? Pay attention if you sell more than EUR 35.000,00 in a State member for instanc ein Italy.
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. The special regulation of drones in Madrid: the "Guardia Civil" supervision of drones
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Very important information related to rights of access of grandparents according to the Spanish Civil Code.
A quick note to easily understand what the spanish N.I.E. is and how to obtain it urgently.
Useful information in English to understand what exactly A.I.R.E. is and what should you do if you are Italian (even if you have dualcitizenship).
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Drones and new regulation in Spain- latest legal news easy to understand and in English!
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. Latest sentence of the Spanish Supreme Court regarding "el maltrato de obra" in Spain.
LIUZZI e LIUZZI Italian & International law & tax Firm Italy- Spain. What conditions are required by the Italian Criminal Law for the concession of the rehabilitation to those who have committed a criminal offence provided and punished by the Italian Criminal Code? Find many other answer redaing our interesting post!
¿Qué establece el Código penal italiano en casos de sustracción de menores?